Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Warming Is One Of The Greatest Problem Facing The...

Global warming is one of the greatest problems facing the earth. The topic has been one of the most current and widely discussed factors and it holds a fundamental threat to all living things on earth. It has a great influence on biodiversity and climatic conditions that we are facing today. Several recent trends clearly illustrates that global warming is directly influencing on the melting of icecaps, rising sea levels, and most importantly worldwide climate changes. The release of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide makes it difficult to maintain the natural environmental conditions. The most harmful gas, carbon dioxide, absorbed by seawater is released which causes the decreased in the temperature of the water. We are witnessed†¦show more content†¦Most scientific community agrees that global warming is caused by the increase of greenhouse gasses. The most serious problem in the world arises of burning fossil fuels. The use of petrol and diesel help to release m ore carbon dioxide into the air. The earth’s upper atmosphere directly caused by burning of fossil fuels, farming, industrial process, and deforestation. The four main contributors of the greenhouse effect are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone. Mining for coal and oil releases methane in the atmosphere and the leakage from natural gas fields and landfills adds additional source of methane. Another major factor causing global warming is cutting down more and more trees. When carbon dioxide is stored and oxygen is released by the green plants, it causes a decreased to increased concentration of carbon dioxide that leads to increased greenhouse effect. Humans are directly responsible for global warming. Our lives involve the emission of theses dangerous greenhouses (Bushnell 25). Carbon dioxide has increased to 381 parts per million in the last century. Heavy usages of Coal, petroleum, and natural gas release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Every day we use these fossil fuels to meet our power, heating and transportation needs. Vehicles account for about 20% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. Deforestation has also affected great deal towards higher greenhouse gas level.Show MoreRelatedGlobal Warming Is the Greatest Threat to Our World Today.1206 Words   |  5 Pagesmore are all problems we are facing in our everyday lives due to global warming. â€Å"The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.† Said Al Gore in a speech at the National Sierra Club Convention in 2005. Many would agree with Gore in taking the side that global warming is the greatest threat to our world today. 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